Tuesday, May 4, 2010

keng from NS good for you and fuck the country who sabo you

B-boys fake illness, escape army

SEOUL - NINE South Korean break dancers were arrested for pretending to have schizophrenia and other mental illnesses in order to escape compulsory military service, Seoul police said Monday.

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency arrested the nine - members of the crew T.I.P. - short for 'Team work Is Perfect' - after receiving an anonymous tip that the dancers faked symptoms of mental illness to avoid South Korea's two-year mandatory military service, case officer Lee Jin-hak said.

'The suspects pretended to hear sounds and to see ghosts, feigning schizophrenia and insanity so that they will fail the physical for conscription,' Lee told The Associated Press. South Korea requires all able-bodied men aged 18 to 35 to serve at least two years in the military, unless they do not pass the conscription physical and are deemed unsuited to serve.

The suspects, whose names were not disclosed, thoroughly studied symptoms of schizophrenia, insanity, and depression in medical textbooks and the Internet, enough to deceive their parents and psychiatrists, Lee said. 'They played up their supposed symptoms so that they'll be hospitalized about thirty to fifty days - long enough to qualify for exemption,' he said.

South Korea's military service laws exempt men who have a record of receiving psychiatric treatment for 6 months up to a year, or if they have been hospitalized for over a month. 'Once they were cleared they break danced all they wanted, while others their age served their country,' Lee said.

Lee said the police will file criminal charges against three of the suspects whose statute of limitations have not yet expired, and order the rest to immediately report for military duty. The Military Manpower Administration said it plans to re-examine all nine men in a thorough physical. -- AP

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