Sunday, March 21, 2010

malaysian come in for free we do NS for fuck !

Everytime I come to this forum, all I see is singaporeans complaining about this and that...most of them are really stupid complaints, which clearly showed these people are so short-sighted.

I am a Malaysian, by the way and I don't live and don't work in Singapore. I am here because I have investment in Singapore, so I need to keep myself up to date with Singapore market.

Number 1 complaint - Foreigners working in Sg, esp Malaysian.
Complaint so much for what? I admit, a lot of Malaysian come to Sg and work because of higher pay. But on the other hand, Singapore desperately need malaysians too. Malaysians are the only foreigners that share the same culture and language as Singaporeans. Without Malaysians, singapore won't be able to function in almost every aspect. So stop complaining.

Before singaporeans complaint about malaysians, ask yourself, do you rather have Malaysians who speak the same language as you to get most of your jobs done or do you want someone who don't speak the same language as you.

If you really think that Malaysians should not come to Sg, then go and vote for a government that ban Malaysians working in Sg, I want to see what happen to Sg.

Number 2 complaint - Stop complaining of Sg government opening doors to other foreigners...

As a malaysian, I envy Singapore so much because of its open door talents policy, Malaysia is no where close to that...the UMNO-malay close Malaysia door to talents...instead UMNO only want those illegal muslim filipino...a very sad case for malaysia

so please stop complaining, if malaysian can do what sg is doing, malaysia can be very prosperous. PAP policy is right in this sense.

Number 3 complaint - don't complaint of your MRT lah..
I traveled to so many countries, Sg MRT is one of the best in world, so stop bitching about it. Come to New York City, you will then learn to appreciate Sg MRT.

Number 4 complaint - stop complaining of your health care lah...
Sg health care is among the best in Asia, i know it, because i m in the medical field. It might be expensive, however, it is still better than a lot of Asian countries...come to the US and see, you can't even afford to see a doctor for a cold. So stop bitching about it.

Even though seeing doctor in Malaysia is cheaper, but Sg has better quality in general. so stop complaining...

Number 5 complaint - stop complaining you don't have enough money
You don't have enough money, most of time is because you are wasting money and don't know how to save. Singapore wages is considered very high compare to most countries in Asia, not to mention that Sg tax is low compare to Western countries...

So..please stop bitching...

Number 6 complaint - stop complaining prices in sg is expensive.
sometime, it is more expensive in malaysia, i know it, because sometime i go to sg and buy things, because it is cheaper....

What you should complaint:
1. complaint about media corp, singapore tv today is getting more and more bored, unentertaining, actors are horrible...
2. complaint about why singapore laws are so tough and unforgiving...
3. complaint about why singaporeans are so kia su...

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